Chapter 3 - A Little Bump in the Road
This is what the first three buildings look like today. I was really not happy with the size of them. So I took them apart and will rebuild in 1:12 scale. I can fit a few more buildings in the same space with them being smaller. So now I'm back to square one, building the basic sections. I redrew all my floor plans for the smaller buildings and added a few more buildings to the list for good measure.
Since the construction process is the same for the buildings in this smaller scale, I didn't think you'd need to see that basic construction again. So here are the new smaller buildings. They don't look a lot smaller in photos, but it's more obvious in person. For scale, a building that was 38 inches tall and 24 inches wide, is now 30 inches tall and 18 inches wide.
This is a back view of them. I add the little edges on the backs of each partly for structural strength. But also so I have something to wrap the siding onto. I don't want the wallpaper to come right out to the back edge.
This is building 1, front and back. First floor shop will be a flower shop. I'm planning an interesting assortment of businesses, mostly based on how much fun the contents will be to make.
Building 2, front and back view. I'm showing both views so as they get their interior and exteriors done you can see the changes easily. This will be a little neighborhood pub on the first floor.
Building 3, front and back views. This one got a little tall, but I think that will be ok - it will give a little variety to the street. The little shop on the first floor will be a yarn shop.